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Achieving & Maintaining

Financial Independence

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Why Blue Advisors?

Blue Advisors is a fee-only financial advisory firm founded to provide cost-effective, objective, personalized financial guidance to a limited number of Individuals and Families.  As a Fiduciary, my role is to provide expert financial advice and guidance. 

Financial education and low fees will allow you to achieve all of your goals. 

There is nothing new in investment management or financial planning.  Rules and laws change but fundamental investment/planning principles remain the same.  Everything has happened before or been tried.  I do not sell any products.  I only give advice.

I know taking the first step of engaging or changing a financial advisor can be intimidating and stressful. That’s why I have developed a simple process for us to get to know one another, share information in a secure manner and start the financial planning journey.  

Schedule a Call

Who I Serve

Why Are You Looking For

A Financial Advisor?


  • You want to work with an experienced financial advisor who puts your interests first. 
  • You want to make sure you don't outlive your assets, are able to age with dignity and can transfer assets to loved ones efficiently.
  • You want a total wealth management experience at a reasonable cost.
  • Your current firm is transitioning you to a less experienced advisor. 
  • Your current firm recently sold their practice to a larger firm that has no history with you or your needs.
  • Your current advisor is close to retirement.

Future Retirees

  • You want financial guidance as you begin to accumulate assets and experience major life milestones.
  • Legacy advisory firms will not work with you because you don't have a large investment account. 
  • You are successful, busy and need a financial guide to help with personal finance decisions. 
  • You want to work with an advisor that has experience and is your age.
  • You want an advisor who will work with you for the next 20 years.

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Services & Pricing

Investment Management

Financial Planning

Your Balance Sheet - Current Financial Position
Cash Flow Management - Budgeting
Tax & Social Security Planning
Insurance Review & Planning
Mortgage & Borrowing Analysis
Education Funding Advice
Employee Benefits Optimization
Retirement Income Planning
Estate & Wealth Transfer Planning
Investment Management Active Portfolio Management


Investment Management

The standard advisory fee is .80% of assets under management, charged monthly in arrears and may be negotiable in certain cases.

Financial Planning

Hourly Financial Planning is offered at a rate of $200/hour.  

A One-Time Financial Plan costs $1,500

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Your Advisor

James E. Blue, CFP® Photo

James E. Blue, CFP®


I founded Blue Advisors to guide individuals/families that do not have access to quality investment and financial planning advice.  The financial services industry is designed to accumulate assets, invest in models and maybe chat with a client once a year.  My goal, as a Fiduciary, is to help you achieve/maintain financial independence and simplify your personal finances.

Financial Education and low fees will allow you to achieve all of your goals.

Prior to founding Blue Advisors, I was a Portfolio Officer at BNY Mellon Wealth Management and a Senior Director at Rootstock Advisors, a multi-family office in Pittsburgh, Pa.  I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2005 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.  

Client Center

Charles Schwab

Personal Account Information

Charles Schwab is the custodian of your assets. Here you will find all of your personal account information such as monthly statements, transaction history, current balances and tax documents. 

Blue Advisors

Financial Planning & Cash Flow Portal

The client portal provides access to your personal financial information including your balance sheet, budget and updates on meeting your financial goals.


Your Portfolio

View portfolio allocation, performance reports and other account information.

Advice Pay

Online Billing

Access our firm's online billing system to pay your financial planning fees.


Blue Advisors

Columbus, OH 43220


(724) 914-1414